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This is a list of books that I have enjoyed over the years. None of them are the ultimate truth and some of them are far from it but they each have their own beauty and usefulness.


* To Ride A Silver Broomstick (SilverRaven Wolf) - This is the first in the authors trilogy of books for the beginner Wiccan. Slightly patronising and maybe a bit fluffy but it does offer people that are new to the path a good base from which to kick off from. It gives information on many basic aspects of Wicca and the exercises will really get the reader to think about their chosen path.


* To Stir A Magick Cauldron (SilverRaven Wolf) - This is the second in the trilogy. Offers very much the same level of information as the first but a bit more advanced. More exercises to do and some interesting new subjects to read about.


* The Craft: A Witch's Book of Shadows (Dorothy Morrison) - A good book full of lovely exercises that explore many aspects of being a Witch.


* Hedge Witch: Guide to Solitary Witchcraft (Rae Beth) - A lovely book written as letters between Rae and a student of hers who is new to Wicca. Informative and somehow more personal than all the usual 'how to' books.


* Craft of the Wild Witch: Green Spirituality and Natural Enchantment (Poppy Palin) - This is a very nice book for anyone who considers themselves a 'Green Witch'. It has lots of exercises and rituals that involve being outdoors and it really is good for the countryside witch.


* Shadowscapes Companion (Stephanie Pui-Mun Law and Barbara Moore) - The companion book to the Shadowscapes Tarot set. Fantastic artwork and the definitions of the cards have always rung true for me. Usable with any deck but best with its companion deck.



* Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner (Scott Cunningham) - Short but sweet. A good little book that isn't packed with information but does offer the reader some good ideas to research deeper. This is the first book of two.


* Living Wicca: A Further Guide for the Solitary Practitioner (Scott Cunningham) - Another fairly short book but with some good information, expanding on the first book. This is the second book of two.


* Pagan Paths: A Guide to Wicca, Druidry, Asatru Shamanism and Other Pagan Practices (Peter Jennings) - A lovely little book that seems to me not so much a guide on these Pagan paths but a taster of each one. It offers some quite deep history on each of its subjects and can get a bit heavy at some points but a good book nevertheless.


* Solitary Witch: The Ultimate Book of Shadows for the New Generation (SilverRaven Wolf) - A massive book that is packed with information. A good reference book for writing your own spells and has some good information on the Sabbats.


* Natural Magic (Pamela Ball) - This book is one of my favourites. Less concerned with a particular path it provides recipes and rituals that are adaptable by anyone who practices nature magic.


* Grimoire for the Green Witch: A Complete Book of Shadows (Ann Moura) - Another huge book! Full of useful things and a good reference book to use when writing your own spells/rituals.

Suggested Reading

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